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Pupil Premium Training, what is pupil premium

Up to 25 people in a session

Participants are required to have their cameras on for an interactive experience.

Maximum of two people per screen

Sessions are recorded for quality assurance purposes. They are only viewed by SCTS staff and deleted within 14 days.

Group Name:
Total: £0.00 Discounted price

Education of Children in Care – Standard (Zoom)

£270.00 2 hours


(including PEP & The Virtual School, Pupil Premium)

It aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of education planning and raise educational achievement. This training ensures that the Virtual School are playing their part in fully equipping the team around the child with the skills and knowledge they need to carry out their roles and responsibilities effectively. The goal is to promote positive educational and recreational activities and support children to be aspirational about their education, training and employment.

Learning Aims:

  1. To understand the Local Authority’s duty under 22 (3A) of The Children’s Act 1989 to promote the educational achievements of Looked after Children
  2. To understand the new system supporting Children and young people with SEN or Disability (SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years)
  3. To understand the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC) needs assessments
  4. Understand Personal Educational Plans (PEP) and be able to use them to support the child’s personalised learning
  5. Know the best ways to support ‘Eligible children’ through education and training, as well as encouraging further education or higher education
  6. To understand the use of bursaries

Is this course for me?

This course is for foster carers, adopters and Supervising Social Workers. Also, this course is for Residential Child Care Workers (RCCW) and residential team managers from mainstream, short-breaks and outreach services.

Courses are also available specifically for youth workers, education professionals and those in the community and voluntary sectors.


Format: This is a live training session through the platform "Zoom". It includes taught sections, small group work, work in pairs, and whole group discussions.


Hand-outs & Certificates: Downloadable course notes and certificates of attendance are provided.

Social Care Training Solutions

Advanced Training

This option is aimed at an audience with prior knowledge of the subject and isn’t suitable for.  Those that are new to the subject would be better with our standard course.

Need more time?

We recognise that sometimes groups need more time for discussions and group work. This can mean that a two-hour session is just not long enough to explore the curriculum and engage in question and answer sessions. So we are you offering the opportunity to extend the session by an hour to allow your trainees the chance to explore the curriculum fully!


Discuss Training

Zoom Training

These sessions can be accessed from a phone or laptop.

They are nothing like e-learning! The training is live and interactive. Participants can ask and answer questions just as they would in face-to-face training.