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Observation, Analytical Skills with Reflective Practice & Recording Skills - Advanced (Zoom)

Up to 25 people in a session

Participants are required to have their cameras on for an interactive experience.

Maximum of two people per screen

Sessions are recorded for quality assurance purposes. They are only viewed by SCTS staff and deleted within 14 days.

Observation, Analytical Skills with Reflective Practice & Recording Skills – Advanced (Zoom)

£370.00 3 hours


Observation, Analytical skills with Reflective Practice & Recording Skills

Observation and recording are essential elements when working with children and their families. We understand that not all carers may enjoy keeping records, so we have created a specialised course emphasising the importance of observation in building relationships with young people.

Our course is tailored to care staff in various settings and aims to assist them in fulfilling their obligations and duties to observe and accurately record concerns. Monitoring and recording effectively are crucial in providing excellent service to those in your care.

Recording is a vital aspect of social care and is at the core of providing sound, person-centred support. Our course highlights the importance of observation in fulfilling your duty of care to safeguard young people.

We also cover the myths surrounding reflective practice in our comprehensive course. Critical reflection enables us to analyse what we have learned and how we have learned it, leading to clearer thinking and minimising emotional bias. Our Reflective Practice Improves Work Performance course delves into the theory of Reflective Practice to enhance personal development, caregiving, and organisational improvement. Aspiring person-centred practitioners looking to develop advanced skills can benefit significantly from this course.

Learning Aims:

  1. Identify the impact of selective perception on observation and recording
  2. Distinguish fact from opinion and provide an assessment and analysis of information
  3. Maintain accurate, complete, accessible and up-to-date records and reports
  4.  Provide evidence for judgements and decisions
  5. Learn what reflective practice is all about and how to apply it.
  6. Understand the importance of reflective practice at work.
  7. Develop the skills required to improve work performance. 
  8. Develop a toolset for using thoughtful planning with carers and young people.
  9. Consider the agency implication
  10. Share records appropriately with individuals, families and carers
  11. Consider how we can apply it to practice

Format: This is a live training session through the platform "Zoom". It includes taught sections, small group work, work in pairs, and whole group discussions.

Hand-outs & Certificates: Downloadable hand-outs and certificates will be provided.

Social Care Training Solutions

Advanced Training

This option is aimed at an audience with prior knowledge of the subject and isn’t suitable for.  Those that are new to the subject would be better with our standard course.

Need more time?

We recognise that sometimes groups need more time for discussions and group work. This can mean that a two-hour session is just not long enough to explore the curriculum and engage in question and answer sessions. So we are you offering the opportunity to extend the session by an hour to allow your trainees the chance to explore the curriculum fully!


Discuss Training

Zoom Training

These sessions can be accessed from a phone or laptop.

They are nothing like e-learning! The training is live and interactive. Participants can ask and answer questions just as they would in face-to-face training.