01273 931011     |        admin@socialcaretrainingsolutions.com

Fostering Panel Training

Panels are made up of people with diverse and relevant experience of adoption or fostering. This fostering panel training explores the role of the panel member and the legal frameworks. Learning comes from scenarios and serious case review with guidance on training, support, and supervision.

This fostering panel training ensures that participants are able to:

1. Explore the roles and responsibilities of the members of the fostering panel
2. Examine how their own values and attitudes may affect their work on panels while acknowledging the skills and abilities that panel members may bring to the panel
3. Clarify the national legal framework for panels, and develop familiarity with the Fostering Services Regulations 2011 and National Minimum Standards 2011, which will inform the key responsibilities of members of the fostering panel
4. Consider how applicants experience panels
5. Develop panel members confidence in carrying out their role, and becoming an effective panel member

Who is this Panel Training course for?

This course is for members of Foster care Panels. It can also be adapted for Adoption panels.

Level: beginner/intermediate This course can be adapted to an advanced level for skilled practitioners.

As with all of our courses, a bespoke option is available at no additional cost, so give us a call or drop Tori a line on admin@socialcaretrainingsolutions.com to discuss how this vital learning can be tailored to meet your needs.

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Zoom Training

These sessions can be accessed from a phone or laptop.

They are nothing like e-learning! The training is live and interactive. Participants can ask and answer questions just as they would in face-to-face training.