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Impact of Fostering on Birth Children

The recent launch of our new “Impact of Fostering on Birth Children” course was a huge success. It was evident that carers appreciate this opportunity to share and action plan around the problems they encounter.

Birth children are asked to share so much … their toys, their belongings, their home and most of all, their parents. Being part of a fostering family affects them greatly, in both positive and negative ways.

This course looks at the full spectrum of considerations, from seemingly minor issues, like sharing of toys, to the more substantial emotional impact of losing precious one-to-one time with a parent.

This course not only explores the preparation to be done with birth children in the lead up to the placement but what their needs are on an ongoing basis. The aim is to prevent toxic attitudes from developing that may ultimately put the placement at risk.

The Learning Aims are:

1. Examine various ways in which family members are affected by fostering.
2. To enable foster carers to communicate the challenges and dilemmas that are inherent in fostering with family members.
3. To clearly explain the role that family members can play in supporting foster children.
4. To encourage foster carers to reflect on the emotions likely to arise for family members.
5. To demarcate roles and responsibilities delegated to sons and daughters living at home.
6. To point out the pitfalls of fostering, which may include allegations against family members and discuss how they will be supported.
7. To examine the effects of separation on birth children who are left behind if a placement breaks down.
8. To help foster carers in developing positive strategies that will encourage birth children to cope with a wide range of possible emotions negative, i.e. envy, resentment and loss.

Contact Tori to discuss this training for your teams (admin@socialcaretrainingsolutions.com)

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