01273 931011     |        [email protected]
preparation for leaving care training

Up to 25 people in a session

Participants are required to have their cameras on for an interactive experience.

Maximum of two people per screen

Sessions are recorded for quality assurance purposes. They are only viewed by SCTS staff and deleted within 14 days.

Group Name:
Total: £0.00 Discounted price

Staying Put & Preparation for Leaving Care – Standard (Zoom)

£270.00 2 hours


Staying Put and Preparation for Leaving Care

This course is designed to provide individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges involved in preparing a child in care for life beyond the system. Our focus is on equipping participants with practical skills that promote independence and exploring the difficulties associated with transitioning into adulthood. Our ultimate goal is to help young people develop Resilience and effectively cope with the changes they will encounter. By the end of the course, participants will have a clear understanding of relevant legislation and critical issues related to preparing for life after care.

Our training program also provides a thorough outline of arrangements that allow young people in care to stay with their former foster carers after they turn 18. We clarify the legal duty of staying put arrangements and provide insight into statutory and good practice guidance, along with the implications for implementation.

Learning Aims:

  1. Recognise and understand the additional support needs of Looked After Children and Care Leavers to enable you to work sensitively with adolescents.
  2. To know the definition of 'staying put.'
  3. Understand planning for staying put placements.
  4. To know the eligibility and duration of staying put arrangements.
  5. To consider finances that may enable a staying-put arrangement
  6. To see the process for young people attending university or living away
  7. To know the process of converting a foster placement.
  8. To understand the role of the staying-put coordinator
  9. Know the staying put provider agreement.
  10. To know the living together arrangements.
  11. To know the ending of staying put arrangements.
  12. Discuss the issues for young people facing transitions and how to support them.
  13. Identify ways to help young people think ahead and ensure they have a clear idea about what to expect in terms of budgeting and finance.
  14. Demonstrate how to support young people to develop confidence and motivation as they move towards independence.
  15. Describe the range of skills young people need to develop in preparation for leaving care/adulthood and of their role in supporting skills (social, practical and emotional) development.
  16. Explain how to support young people to reach their potential regarding education, training and employment.

This course is for Foster Carers and Adopters as well as their Supervising Social Workers. It is also suitable for Residential Child Care Workers (RCCW) and residential team managers from mainstream, short-breaks and outreach services.

Format: This is a live training session through the platform "Zoom". It includes taught sections, small group work, work in pairs, and whole group discussions.

Hand-outs & Certificates: Downloadable course notes and certificates of attendance are provided.

Social Care Training Solutions

Advanced Training

This option is aimed at an audience with prior knowledge of the subject and isn’t suitable for.  Those that are new to the subject would be better with our standard course.

Need more time?

We recognise that sometimes groups need more time for discussions and group work. This can mean that a two-hour session is just not long enough to explore the curriculum and engage in question and answer sessions. So we are you offering the opportunity to extend the session by an hour to allow your trainees the chance to explore the curriculum fully!


Discuss Training

Zoom Training

These sessions can be accessed from a phone or laptop.

They are nothing like e-learning! The training is live and interactive. Participants can ask and answer questions just as they would in face-to-face training.