01273 931011     |        admin@socialcaretrainingsolutions.com

Create your Certificates

  1. Firstly, give this form a title.  It wont be shown on the certificate but allows you to refer back to it later.
  2. Choose the course required from the dropdown list
  3. Add the first student name.
  4. Click ‘add new’ and continue adding student names.
  5. Click Submit and you’ll be taken to the certificates page where you can download a pdf of all certificates.
Social Care Training Solutions

Help Section

1. How to use your account

2. How to book your Zoom training

3. How to share training with participants


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Zoom Training

These sessions can be accessed from a phone or laptop.

They are nothing like e-learning! The training is live and interactive. Participants can ask and answer questions just as they would in face-to-face training.